Use the New Straight-to-Fulfillment Survey

We are excited to announce an expanded Online Buyer solution designed to help partners collect more customer feedback, earn more Google Seller Ratings, and increase trust. Starting today, the Online Buyer Survey can collect additional post-delivery customer feedback via our Straight-to-Fulfillment (STFF) Survey.

Read below to learn more about the STFF Survey, the impact on your seller ratings, and how you can get started with Bizrate Insights survey solutions.

What is the STFF Survey?

Until now, customers who completed an online purchase were invited to complete a two-part survey: the Point-of-Sale (POS) survey, collected immediately after checkout; the Fulfillment survey, emailed after delivery to those who completed the POS portion. But this left a gap in the amount of feedback you could collect.

The Straight-to-Fulfillment (STFF) survey is designed to fill this gap by helping retailers collect more feedback and syndicated ratings.  This survey engages customers who did not complete the initial POS survey, giving them a second opportunity to have their voice heard. Similar to the current fulfillment survey, the STFF survey is emailed post-purchase, but this option allows us to contact customers who did not initially respond at Point-of-Sale.

STFF Survey Benefits

Bizrate Insights has one of the highest response rates in the industry, but the standard Fulfillment survey only reaches customers who respond to the initial invitation.  Including the STFF survey as part of your Online Buyer Solution allows you to not only review more post-delivery feedback, but expand your Seller Ratings footprint with additional ratings syndication.

Why Google Seller Ratings Matter

Google Seller Ratings is an automated Google Ads extension that makes it easier for retailers and other businesses to showcase customer reviews. Ratings are calculated using verified voice-of-customer (VoC) feedback from third parties, like Bizrate Insights, and then displayed in both paid and organic search ads using a five-star system.

Google Seller Ratings help companies achieve higher click-through rates, build customer loyalty, and establish trust between shoppers and brands.

seller ratings straight-to-fulfillment survey launch

Bizrate Insights + Google Seller Ratings

As a trusted source of verified customer-generated feedback, we offer Seller Ratings Syndication to all Online Buyer subscribers at no cost. Seller Ratings Syndication is automatic —feedback collected from via Bizrate’s Online Buyer Survey is shared with Google daily.

We have a longstanding commitment to providing fair, accurate information on behalf of our partners and their customers. Our team will continue to monitor updates to Google Seller Ratings to ensure that our users can achieve maximum visibility across Google.

Getting Started

You can start collecting STFF Survey data immediately by updating your Online Buyer survey code to pass in the customer’s email address and order ID. Download our how-to guide for implementation instructions.

Once the code is updated, you’ll get access to the STFF feedback in VitalSigns. If you aren’t currently a client and would like to learn more about Bizrate’s solutions, then please schedule a call here 

